What the heck is eDesign?
Nature Nursery
So…you are expecting a baby? YAY! Congratulations!!
You know exactly how you want your baby’s nursery to look (you saw a post on Pinterest) you just don’t know how to pull it off or how much that look may cost. This is where eDesign comes in!
Even if you don’t know exactly how you want your baby’s nursery to look and you haven’t found just one post or pic but several and you like different things about different post/pics (this is the norm for the most part). This is STILL where eDesign comes in!
Get your inspiration boards, posts, pics together & find yourself an eDesigner (ME), and get the process rolling. There will be an initial consultation about various things like: room size, budget, time constraints, inspirations, wants/needs, and a basic “get to know you” type convo.
With my eDesigns, I offer two different packages to choose from. There’s a Standard & a Premium Package. The Standard Package offers a more streamlined plan with fewer options but it may be absolutely all you need for us to pull your nursery together just as you want. The Premium Package offers more options but does of course, cost more.
Both packages include: an initial consultation, vision board(s), feedback & revision(s), color palette, project instructions & budget guide, shopping list & links, Designer directions, notes & tips, 1 Final Room Design and a bit of hand holding along the way if needed.
The good (no, GREAT) news is…you can live anywhere within the Continental US and work with me on your design project via my eDesign Services. It’s like magic…basically (wink).
Go to the ‘SERVICES’ page to read more or to the ‘HOME’ page and scroll down to click on the ‘eDesign’ section to get started. You can also go to the ‘CONTACT’ page to reach me with any questions you may have before you jump in. SO many ways to get your project started and get that nursery (or any other rooms) all ready so you can focus on other things (like resting & taking good care of yourself).
I look forward to helping you pull your room(s) together. Making your inspiration/dream room a reality. My eDesigns work with all types of spaces, not just nurseries but come on…I had to use this as an example. Who doesn’t love an adorable nursery?
Happy Sprucing!