Not All eDesign is the same
I can’t speak for all eDesigners but I do know there are many differences in SO many things about eDesign.
From process to cost, there are differences. I suggest that anyone looking into eDesign look at options and find the eDesigner that meets their needs best. eDesign should save the client time & money. eDesign should help the client find their style and lead them to the outcome that fits them best (not a one size fits all design).
Having said this, eDesigners are Designers after all and most have certain “looks” that they do best and naturally gravitate towards. Most Designers do not “do” every single type of design under the sun. Not that they can’t…just that they more than likely don’t particularly lean towards certain types of designs.
Before I agree to work with clients and take on their project…I have them fill out a very detailed questionnaire that asks about their style, what they are “going for”, their budget, whether they own or rent, how large of a project it is, what they plan to keep or if they are starting from scratch.
I work with all types of budgets and it doesn’t matter to me whether a client is renting or if they own their home. I just need to know these things (and much, much more) before committing to a project so that the client and I are on the same, realistic page of what can & can not be done.
After a potential client sends me their questionnaire, the next steps are emails, phone calls, possible FaceTime or Skype calls (if the customer has access to those options and isn’t camera shy…wink). Existing room photos and/or “walk-thru’s” via FaceTime/Skype are needed, then I need inspiration photos of what design they are trying to accomplish along with their budget so I can advise.
I also like to have photos or “walk-thru’s” of the rest of the home. This helps IF you are only needing an eDesign for one room. It’s important to have the new fresh design still be cohesive with the rest of the house. You don’t want your fresh, new room looking so different that it dates the rest of your house. This happens A LOT in design if not careful. There are many times that I can give simple, cost effective advise on certain things for the rest of the house to bring the entire property together. Sometimes it’s a fresh coat of paint throughout. Sometimes it’s as simple as switching out a few decorative pillows here and there or a new duvet cover or rethinking artwork that can add new life to the entire property while still getting exactly the look you want in your eDesign room.
Many times my Design and eDesign clients know they want to start fresh with one room and know they will little by little do the remainder of their home over time. That’s fine too! I never push someone to go above and beyond their budget and what they can handle (mentally even) until it’s right for them. Change is difficult for many and baby steps are many times the best plan. I still think, even if you know you will be eventually going on to more rooms that in the meanwhile all of your rooms look like they belong under the same roof and not totally disjointed.
SO…after the questionnaire then the emails & the FaceTime/Skype calls start. I also need inspiration pictures to know what you are wanting design wise. These photos can be emailed or you can direct me to a Pinterest page or an inspiration post on Instagram or a website or even a photo you take and send me from a magazine or catalog. I just need a visual so that I know we are on the same page and I can tell you if it’s the type of design work I am interesting in doing.
These “meetings” also allow us to get to know each other before either of us commits. Once we commit and agree on going further then, at that time we will dig deeper and get right into the eDesign process together including me walking you through the measuring process and so much more. I have different eDesign packages depending on your needs. All packages offer links for sourced materials, designer notes & directions, a color palette, a Vision Board(s), etc. Please see the ‘ABOUT’ page to get into this process further OR reach out via our ‘CONTACT’ page. Below is an example of an inspiration room that was then sourced & linked for a client taking into consideration their budget & the overall look they were going for. The Vision Board below doesn’t include my client’s shopping guide with links but yours certainly would, along with my notes, directions and so much more!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.
Happy Sprucing!
Vision Board with sourced goods to pull the look together while staying within the client’s budget. These items would also be sent to the client in a linked document for an easy ordering process. This is a final design that was agreed upon by the client. If changes are needed, those are addressed prior to the final eDesign with buying links being sent to the client.